Friday, August 19, 2016

The First of Many…. Blogs, Blogs, Blogs
It’s a new day and we, here at The Goebel Team, think it’s a GREAT DAY!  Things are changing and we are growing and changing too.  There’s good things ahead for us and we think there are good things ahead for YOU- our CLIENTS!  First, we now have an assistant, Tina Edmonds.  She is slowly, but surely, bringing us into the 21st Century.  And we are teaching her all about Real Estate.  Second, we now have a huge Internet presence.  We have a Goebel Team Facebook page, our website of course, and a Pinterest page!  We also have a profile as well as a profile.  These are all places where you can interact with us in many different ways.  You can email us, call us, Facebook message us, write reviews for us and much more!  Now you will be able to easily find us online.  Next, the most recent new change for us is this Blog on our website.  Now you can read about real estate tips, find local information and just keep up with us in general.  We’ll be posting photos of listings and photos of this beautiful area that we are blessed to call home and many other interesting things.  So now you know – it’s the First of Many new changes for Mick and Jane, of the Goebel Team!

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