Monday, October 24, 2016

Vacation in Murphy, NC

Please Enjoy the Slideshow! 
...and turn up your volume and enjoy the music!

A Vacation for all Seasons
Where do you vacation?  You may go far away, fly off on an airplane, take a cruise, leave for some remote, exotic location or you may opt for a “stay-cation” and use your time to renovate your home, landscape your lawn, go camping or read a book.  But no matter what you do or where you choose to go, vacations are important parts of our lives.  Not everyone can go to an island paradise but hopefully, you can do something to relax and unwind.  Sometimes the best vacations are spent at home with loved ones doing things you enjoy.  Here in these beautiful Murphy, NC mountains, there’s always something to do.  And we at The Goebel Team would love to encourage you to try a Western North Carolina, specifically the Murphy, NC area, vacation!  In this blog post you will find links to activities and events that may interest you.  You will also see beautiful photos of the area in the different seasons – because not everyone vacations in the summer.  Murphy is beautiful year ‘round!  So, come to Murphy and see the sights, enjoy the events and Vacation in the Mountains!  There’s lots to do and lots to see and who knows, you might just want to stay a while!  If you do, Mick and Jane Goebel are the ones to call and they will put their expertise to work for you!  They can find you the perfect vacation home, part time home or full time home – a home that you will love for years to come!!  Check out their website and give them a call.  Your next vacation may just change your future!!  

Click on the links below for activities and events 

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