Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Small Town Fun!!

Friday night lights!!  FOOTBALL IN THE SOUTH!  It’s just one of the things we do for fun here in Murphy, NC!  Friday night under the lights is a big deal in the south, in general.  This past Friday night, the four of us enjoyed cheering on the Murphy Bulldogs!  We had a blast.  And the team didn’t do too badly either – 42 to 13 was the final score – 

GO DAWGS!!    

So what’s it like going to a game?  First of all, it’s a sensory experience.  You feel the chill of the fall air, you hear the sounds of the whistle blowing and the crashing of helmets and pads, you smell the hot dogs in the concession stand, and you see your friends or family as you walk down the steps to take your seat. 
And it’s a small community – you are bound to see people you know.  And ya know what?  That’s really part of it.  We go to the game to support OUR team – the community takes pride in our schools and sports teams.  And we enjoy seeing our friends and family and rooting for our team together.  

Children grow up going to the games and I’m no different – it was a rite of passage as a child to finally be able to go the game with your friends.  We see lots of children at the game, playing and having fun, not really focused on the game at all, but doing what they do and loving it!  And here I am today, still going to the game with friends and enjoying every minute of it! 

So if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live in a small town and wondered what on earth we do for fun here…. 

just come to Murphy, NC and experience the thrill of a 
-Mick, Jane, Mark & Tina


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