Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's A Social Thing

It’s a Social Thing
Social media is a phenomenon that is here to stay!  Some of us have a love hate relationship with the Internet and Social media but there’s no denying that it has its place in our society.  That’s also true in Real Estate.  Here at The Goebel Team, we utilize everything at our disposal to get your home sold.  This week we want to introduce you to all the different ways we work to sell your home.  First up is Pinterest!  But what is Pinterest, you might ask?  It is a visual social media site where you can pin ideas, inspirations, information, videos and things you like on a virtual board and then share them with your followers. We look for and find Pins that can help you, the homeowner.  Pins can help you understand the buying or selling process, give you lists that can help you stay organized, or even show you new ways to landscape your yard to give it that needed curb appeal.  We also post our listings on Pinterest and share those pins on our Facebook page in order to get the word out – the more exposure, the better!  And in today’s world, Social Media plays a big part in Real Estate.  Make no mistake, we are also using all the traditional methods of selling your home but we have learned that it's necessary to keep up with the changing times and Pinterest and Facebook are all a part of those changing times in which we live in today.  So if you are not already on Pinterest, head on over and sign up today and start following us!  It’s easy and fun and we are sure you’ll find lots of interesting things, including Real Estate tips!  Be sure to click on the link to go take a look at The Goebel Team’s Pinterest!  

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