Friday, November 25, 2016

Reflections of the Season

Enjoy the Music and Slideshow!  

Reflections of the Season

We, at the Goebel Team hope you had a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving Day.  We hope you enjoyed a wonderful meal with friends and family.  We hope you reflected on your many blessings and gave thanks in your own special way.  As we enter this 2016 Holiday Season, let us not only give thanks for the year behind us but also for all that lies ahead.  I personally, as assistant to Mick and Jane Goebel, would like to take this opportunity to give thanks for them.  Mick and Jane are not only a wonderful couple, but also wonderful friends, as well as incredible people to work for.  I am thankful to not only call them my bosses, but to call them my friends.  I have been so blessed to be a part of this office and specifically, a part of The Goebel Team.  And I know that Mick and Jane are also thankful for 2016.  It has been a year of change for them in adding me to the team and it has also been a year of growth which I know they are grateful for.  They have had new clients which have turned in to new friends.  They have had joyous times, both professionally and personally.  Their hard work this year has paid off in many ways.  We are a team of professionals that work hard to help others with one of the biggest decisions in their lives; buying or selling their home.  I know that Mick and Jane Goebel take that responsibility seriously and are very conscious of what it means to the clients they work with.  As we come to the end of 2016 and look ahead to the new year, may we all give thanks for the many blessings in our lives; our friends and family, and all those in our work place, including co-workers as well as clients.  May this Holiday Season be a very special time for all of you and may the coming year be filled with all your hopes and dreams for the future!   God Bless you all and thank you for being a part of our lives!  

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