Friday, November 18, 2016

The Holiday's are HERE!

Holiday Happiness
Or Is It Holiday Craziness?
Part I
That time of year is HERE!  Time for gifts, parties, food, traditions and family… Giving Thanks, Sharing, Caring, and Being a Blessing along with Hope for a New Year!  Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are upon us and with the first of these wonderful events only days away, we know that you, like most all of us, have lot’s going on. 
It happens every year, right?!  But still, when it’s here, we wonder how it happened so quickly.  And it seems to come quicker and quicker every year – The HOLIDAYS!!!!  For some, this is a most joyous occasion but for others, the holidays can be overwhelming.  Here at The Goebel Team, we know this to be true also.  We hope this list of tips to help de-stress the holiday’s helps you enjoy this time of year with your friends and family.  Be sure and check back for Part II next month!  


  • ·         Check in with yourself and your family
  • ·         Be clear about your priorities
  • ·         Rethink gift-giving
  • ·         Take good care of yourself
  • ·         Schedule free time
  • ·         Reach out
  • ·         Get organized
  • ·         Ask for help
  • ·         Temper expectations
  • ·         Keep a sense of humor


  • ·         Put your own family first
  • ·         Delegate to the elves
  • ·         Don’t be afraid to change a tradition
  • ·         SIMPLIFY!
  • ·         Demonstrate spirit
  • ·         Buy for yourself!
  • ·         Send Christmas cards to strangers
  • ·         Limit your gift giving
  • ·         Stop and smell the holly bush

·         YOU TELL US – Give us your favorite tips for getting through the Season!  

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