Saturday, December 24, 2016

Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas -
Wherever Home May Be

Sometimes home is not only where the heart is but sometimes it’s just where you hang your hat!  I’ve hung my hat in lots of places and called a lot of them home…but not all of them have been home.  This last year, we have been home because Murphy is where I was born and raised. While we’ve been living here, I’ve had the privilege and honor to work with some very special people.  But my time with them has come to an end and I’ll be moving on to the next place – a place where I’ll hang my hat and hopefully, a place that I’ll call HOME!   I just want to say a few words to those special people, (and a little bit about them) ...the people that I consider MY TRIBE- the people that have welcomed me in and made me feel like I was home. First, let me tell you about Mick and Jane Goebel-

Working for Mick and Jane Goebel of The Goebel Team at Carolina Mountain Homes in Murphy, NC has been quiet the experience!  I never saw myself working in the real estate business before and really had no plans to ever venture into that field.  But like so many other things in life, we don’t always get to choose what we do or where we work, or even where we live, for that matter.  My husband and I have had a lot of adventures over the last 30 years and moving back to our hometown of Murphy has been one of them.  When we moved back here two years ago, I agreed to help out a family friend, Mrs. Joan Posey-Neumann, Owner of Carolina Mountain Homes.  In doing so, I have made some of the most awesome friends!  Two of those friends are my current bosses, Mick and Jane Goebel.  They are two of the kindest, loving, and most respected people I know!  They love their jobs as Realtor’s and it shows!  They are great at what they do; just ask anyone who’s ever worked with them.  In fact, you can read what their clients have to say about them here.  But they went above and beyond just doing their jobs when they hired me as their assistant. They have taught me so much!  I have enjoyed working in their office and spending time with them both on duty and off!  We have enjoyed hanging out together, going to ballgames together, having dinner with each other, and just building a relationship in general. 

As it happens so often, new job opportunities come a long and before you know it, it’s time to move on.  That seems to be the case for me as my husband and I have been offered positions elsewhere and now have to say good-bye to some very dear friends.  As I have said, Mick and Jane are pretty incredible people and they have agreed to let me stay on as their virtual assistant –at least for a while.  So for now, I will be writing blogs and doing various other real estate related work from afar!  I am so very grateful to them and to Joan for putting their faith and trust in me.  I want to thank them for all they have done and all they have taught me.  It has truly been my pleasure to work for two of the nicest people on the planet!  Thank you Mick and Jane, for everything!  You’ve been, and are, a true blessing to me and I look forward to our future together, however that may look!  
And finally, to Joan, Michelle, Paula, Kelly, Leslie, Cindy, Bonnie and Suzi:  my dear friends, you have made life FUN!  Your zest for life, your enthusiasm, your infectious laughter, your love of your job and clients, has all made my life better, happier, fuller.  Thank you for all you’ve taught me.  I know you will continue to do great things, in real estate and in the Murphy, NC area.  Take care my friends and I hope to see you soon!  

This holiday season, may we each be HOME for the Holiday's
whether we call it home or it’s just where we hang our
 Merry Christmas!!

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