Thursday, January 5, 2017

Organizing Your New Home

Organizing Your New Home

So the New Year is here and you’ve bought a new home!  So what now?  ORGANIZE, of course!  Here at The Goebel Team, we not only want to help you find a home, but we also want to help you after you get in your home.  One way we do that is our blog.  We hope that you enjoy the topics we write about as well as reap some benefits from it! 
In this blog we want to share some organization tips for your new home.  Here are some that we hope will help and then you can click on the links for more in depth articles about new home organization. 
The last part of moving into a new home can be some of the hardest part but can also be some of the most fun!  You can get creative in your organization and really have fun with it.  There are lots of resources available to you such as, Pinterest,, Home Depot or Lowes, and smart phone apps too!  So get going and ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME!

  • De-Clutter
  • Safety First
  • Go Green 
  •  Follow a Schedule
  • Show it Off

  •  Unpack one room at a time 
  •  Take notes 
  • Play interior designer 
  • Add style

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