Sunday, January 22, 2017

Saving for A New Home

Saving for A House?
You need a down payment!

For many, the dream of owning a home seems an unreachable goal.  If this is how you feel, take heart!  HELP IS HERE!  Mick and Jane Goebel of the Goebel Team in Murphy, NC can help you reach that goal.  Mick and Jane have helped many people realize the joy of home ownership over the years and they want to help you too. They have years of experience, dedication and knowledge – THEY ARE ON YOUR SIDE and are ready to go to work for YOU TODAY!  Reach out to them by either stopping by the office at 5530 Hwy 64 W in Murphy or by calling them at 828-361-9442. 
One of the biggest obstacles in purchasing a home is the down payment.  Here is an article that gives you ways to save for your down payment in 1, 3 or 5 years.  Here are the highlights; then you can read the full article by clicking on the link below.  

Next, you can meet with a realtor and share your ideas with them, let them show you what you can afford in your area and then listen to what they have to say – they are experienced and have years of knowledge in the real estate market. 

 It’s not an impossible dream if you have the right TEAM –
Give Mick and Jane a call with all your questions – they are here to help you with

Raise a down payment in one year

  • Move in with a friend or family member to slash your rent
  • Sell useful but not strictly necessary assets, like your car
  • Get rid of every nonessential expense, no matter how inexpensive it may feel
  • Downgrade essential services for cheaper options

Save for a down payment in three years

  • Switch to a streaming service
  • Reduce the number of meals out you buy each week
  • Eliminate expensive entertainment
  • Cut back on your vices
  • Work out at home
  • Negotiate your bills

Build your down payment in five years

  • Use the tips above
  • Invest your savings
  • Stay focused
  • Start a side business to help earn more income


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